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HupKwonDo International

more than a just new name for an old system!

We always welcome HupKwonDo schools from North America, Europe & Asia to join our family of Advanced HupKwonDo International (HKD).

Some of the objectives of Advanced HupKwonDo International are to further enhance the technical competency of our licensed instructors, and to help them better understand the martial skills and philosophy embedded in the art by Grand Master Lim

We are happy to address any queries that you might have. Please be assured that all correspondence between us are private and confidential. Thank you.

Grand Master Lim

  • High energy aerobic workout
  • Powerful, fluid, follow-through techniques
  • All correspondence is strictly confidential
  • All martial artists welcome
  • No politics
  • No mysticism
  • The evolution of martial arts for the 21st century